HC Deb 24 June 1879 vol 247 cc537-8

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies, Whether his attention has been called to the following " Government Notice," published at foot of page 126 of "The Journal of the Aborigines' Protection Society," No. 5, prohibiting the restoration to their families of native women and children indentured out in servitude to Colonial farmers:— Native Labourers under Government Notice, No. 222, of 1878.—Office of the Secretary for Native Affairs, Capo of Good Hope, 10th April, 1879.—Whereas certain Kaffirs (Galekas, Gaikas, and others) on the Frontier and in other parts of the Colony, are found to apply to the Civil Commissioners of the various divisions in which the said Kaffirs at present reside, for passes to enable them to visit the Cape, and other districts of the Western Province, for the purpose of ' fetching their wives and families;' and whereas the said wives and families of the said Kaffirs have duly entered into terms of service under the above-mentioned Government Notice, No. 222, of 1878, thereby voluntarily rendering themselves incapable of leaving their place of service for the term of three years and six months from the date of their various ' contracts' respectively: Now, therefore, notice is hereby given, that it is not expedient to grant passes to Kaffirs for the purpose above indicated, and all Civil Commissioners and Resident Magistrates, and other officers authorised to issue passes to natives, are hereby directed to refuse such passes when applied for, and to inform all applicants of this regulation accordingly. —William Ayliff, Secretary for Native Affairs; and, what action he intends to take in the matter?


I have not received the "Government Notice " quoted by the hon. Member, either from the Colony or from the Aborigines' Protection Society, and I am, of course, unable to say how far it is an accurate copy of any notice which may have been issued; but, unquestionably, if it is accurate, it is open to very grave objection. I trust I may receive it from the Aborigines' Protection Society, with their report of the circumstances under which it was sent to them; and I can promise the House that I will, as soon as I do so, take action upon it.