§ SIR WILLIAM FRASERI beg to give Notice that, on Thursday next, I shall ask the Secretary of State for War, Whether he will lay on the Table of the House a Copy of the Correspondence relating to the late Prince Imperial leaving this country for the seat of war; whether he will state the precise position of the Prince in, or in connection with, Her Majesty's Army; and, whether he will give at once, or so soon as they can be ascertained, the name and rank of the Officer by whom the Prince was put in orders on the 1st of June for the specific duty in the performance of which he lost his life?
§ SIR HENRY HAVELOCKI will, to-morrow, ask the Secretary of State for War, with reference to the circumstances attending the lamented death of the late Prince Imperial, Whether he can inform the House what special instructions, if any, were issued by Lord Chelmsford on the occasion of the Prince leaving his head-quarters to join those of Brigadier General Wood; as to the particular duty on which the Prince was, or was not, to be employed; also, what instructions were issued to those under whom he was serving as to the precautions to be taken to prevent his incurring unnecessary risk, not called for either by his position or the circumstances of the Service; and, if he is unable to give the House any information on these subjects, whether ho will cause inquiries upon them to be addressed to Lord Chelmsford, with a view of eliciting facts with regard to which a deep interest is felt in this House and the Country?