HC Deb 17 June 1879 vol 247 cc27-8

asked the noble Lord the Member for Haddingtonshire, Whether, considering that the Members representing Scottish constituencies have in this Session voted in favour of the Second Reading of the Hypothec Abolition (Scotland) Bill in the proportion of forty-seven to two, ho will now withdraw his notice, which blocks that Bill, and prevents its being considered on Report, as amended in Committee, after half-past Twelve o'clock?


in reply, said, he intended to allow his Notice of opposition to remain upon the Paper, in order to give Her Majesty's Government an opportunity of re-considering their view with regard to it. This was the more necessary as in the Division on Hypothec nine Members of the Government had voted with him for its maintenance, and only four had voted for its abolition. And, subsequently, the Government had resisted a Motion for the abolition of the Law of Distress in England and Ireland, which was a less "mild and limited" law than that of Hypothec; and he found that 26 Conservative Members who had voted for the abolition of hypothec voted for the maintenance of distress.


said, that, in those circumstances, he should on Thursday next ask Mr. Chancellor of Exchequer, Whether, considering that the Lord Advocate had supported the measure, and that hon. Members representing Scottish constituencies had in this Session voted in favour of the second reading in the proportion of forty-seven to two, he would undertake, on the part of the Government, to give facilities for the progress of the measure.