HC Deb 16 June 1879 vol 246 c2029

Order for Second Reading read.


asked his hon. Friend the Home Secretary to consent to the discharge of this Order. The right hon. Gentleman had agreed that if the matter were not passed before that time he would discharge the Order in respect of it; and he now trusted the right hon. Gentleman would do so. They I had now arrived at a point at which the Bill should be left to the Standing Orders. A Select Committee had made a special Report with respect to this Bill, which made it impossible for it to pass that Session; and he hoped that the right hon. Gentleman the Home Secretary would now consent to allow the Order for the second reading to be discharged.


regretted extremely that, owing to a Notice being placed on the Paper, the Bill was then prevented from being proceeded with by reason of the operation of the 12 o'clock Rule. The parties in the matter had gone to a great deal of expense, and yet had not had an opportunity of bringing their views before the House. If the Amendment had not been put upon the Paper they would have been enabled to state their case; and he had no doubt that a decision would have been come to, either for or against their view. This was the last day, apparently, on which the Bill could be taken, so as to comply with the Standing Orders of the other House; but he knew of one case where a Bill not so far advanced was taken. In the absence of his Colleague, he did not think that he could permit the Order in this matter to be discharged.

Second Reading deferred till Thursday.