§ MR. DODSONasked Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Whether any, and, if any, what portion of the sum of £66,022 4s. 11d. which appears from the Second Report of the Select Committee on Public Accounts to have remained due on the 14th of May last from the Porte to the British and French Governments for advances made by them in consequence of the default of the Porte to pay the dividends due in February 1878 and in February 1879 on the Turkish Guaranteed Loan of 1855, specially charged upon the Egyptian tribute, has been received from the Turkish or Egyptian Governments; what is the exact sum ascertained to be payable by Her Majesty's Government to the Porte as the average excess of the revenue of Cyprus over expenditure during the last five years of Turkish Administration; whether the payments of this sum are to be made half-yearly or at what intervals; when the first payment was made or will become due, and the amount thereof; and, when the first payment in respect of the fixed annual sum of £5,000 to be paid by Her Majesty's Government in commutation of the rights reserved to the Ottoman Crown and Government under Article IV. of the Annex to the Convention of Defensive Alliance between Great Britain and Turkey of 4th June 1878, will become due?
§ THE CHANCELLOR OF THE EXCHEQUERWith respect to the first Question, I am sorry to say that no further portion of the sum of £66,000, due from the Porte to the British and French Governments in respect of the loan, has been received by Her Majesty's Government either from the Porte or from the Khedive. With regard to the latter Questions of the right hon. Member, I am not in a position to answer them at present. They are still under discussion.
§ MR. DODSONI should like to follow up the Question asked by another. I should like to know, Whether the Government are entitled to deduct from the surplus revenue of Cyprus to be paid to the Porte any of the money which the Porte has in default failed to pay this country?
§ THE CHANCELLOR OF THE EXCHEQUERThat is, of course, a question connected with the negotiations and discussions now going forward.