§ SIR GEORGE CAMPBELLasked the Postmaster General, with reference to the new contract for the Eastern Mails, If he will be so good as to explain how the cost is to be distributed between the Mother Country, India, and the Colonies, and especially how the total amount contracted for is to be divided between the Indian line to Bombay and that to Galle and China; and, whether the Australian Colonies are to pay their fair share of the latter with reference to work done?
§ LORD JOHN MANNERS, in reply, said, that calculations were now being made for the purpose of ascertaining what proportion of the subsidy would be paid by India and what by Ceylon and Hong Kong. A share of the cost which represented the carriage of the Australian mails would be borne by the Mother Country, in accordance with the arrangements under the postal regulations agreed to with the Government of Australia.
§ SIR GEORGE CAMPBELLasked for an explanation of the principles on which the cost would be distributed?
§ LORD JOHN MANNERSthought it would not be for the convenience of the House if, in answer to a Question, a Minister was expected to enter into the principles of a scheme which had not yet been sanctioned by the House.