HC Deb 10 June 1879 vol 246 c1550

asked the Secretary of State for War, Whether, having regard to the fact that it is proposed to institute an inquiry by a Royal Commission or a War Office Committee into the whole state of the Army, it is the intention of the Government to proceed with the Army Discipline and Regulation Bill this Session?


Yes, Sir; it is very much the intention of the Government to proceed with the Army Discipline and Regulation Bill this Session.


asked the Secretary of State for War, When he expects to be able to lay before the House the draft of the additions or adjuncts to the Army Discipline and Regulation Bill by which he proposes in the future to regulate Courts of Inquiry and to prevent the abuse of their being substituted for courts martial, which he promised on the 1st May last to bring forward at an early date?


Sir, I hope to do so next week; my excuse for the delay is the pressure of other Business.