HC Deb 29 July 1879 vol 248 c1627

Order for Committee read.

Bill considered in Committee.

(In the Committee.)


asked what was the meaning of the Bill? He had read it to the end, and could not understand it. It was simply a repetition of previous Acts, and he did not know what its object was at all.


replied, that it was found that the municipal arrangements of Ireland were not subject to the last Act which governed the rest of the United Kingdom. It was merely an Act to remove doubts.


observed, that this Bill was merely an extension of a very useful Act passed in 1875, which was believed to extend to Ireland, and which on that belief had been acted on in Ireland. Owing, however, to a question which arose in a recent election for the Dublin Corporation, which was referred to the Law Officers of the Crown, it was discovered that the Act under which they had been carrying on their elections did no textend to Ireland. This Bill proposed to extend it.

Bill reported, without Amendment; to be read the third time To-morrow,