HC Deb 28 July 1879 vol 248 cc1408-9

asked the Under Secretary of State for India, Whether any Papers can be laid upon the Table in reference to the application that has been recently made to the Secretary of State for India in Council by Maharajah Dhuleep Singh for an increase in the allowance annually made to him out of the revenues of India, so that the House may have an opportunity of expressing its opinion on the subject before any decision is arrived at to grant the increased allowance asked for?


I have consulted my noble Friend (Viscount Cranbrook), and I have to say that it is not the intention of the Government to lay on the Table any Papers on this subject at present. As I informed the hon. Member the other day, certain points have been referred for the opinion of the Government of India. When an answer has been received from India the whole matter will be very carefully considered by the Secretary of State in Council.


May I ask, Whether, in the event of the reply of the Government of India not being received before the Session closes, Her Majesty's Government will undertake that no decision will he arrived at to give the increased allowance in question until next Session?


No, I cannot give such an undertaking; and as to the Correspondence, it is very unusual to give any part of a Correspondence while it is still going on.


gave Notice that this Session he would take the earliest opportunity he could secure, on going into Committee of Supply, of calling attention to the matter, and moving a Resolution to the effect— That, in the present condition of Indian finance, which rendered it expedient that efforts should he made to reduce the expenditure, the House was of opinion that the increased allowance asked for should not he granted.


in consequence of the answer of the Under Secretary of State, gave Notice that he should take the earliest opportunity of asking him, If no Papers regarding an increased allowance to Maharajah Dhuleep Singh can be laid upon the Table of the House during the present Session, he can state the reasons why the noble Lord the Secretary of State for India is prepared to reopen the question, considering the present allowance to his Highness was fixed after the fullest consideration by the Government of India and the Home Government?