HC Deb 25 July 1879 vol 248 cc1372-3

said, he had a Question he ought to have put to the Chief Secretary for Ireland. There was a report in the "Morning Post" that the Colorado beetle had appeared in the County of Cork, and he wished to know if the report were true? The right hon. Gentleman must be informed by this time if the report were true, and he should be glad to know what steps had been taken for the destruction of this insect?


Sir, I do not happen to have seen the newspaper report to which the hon. and gallant Gen- tleman refers. When he kindly gave me Notice of his Question to-day I telegraphed over to Dublin to know if anything had been heard of the matter, and the reply I got was to the effect that no information other than that obtained through the ordinary channels of information had reached Her Majesty's Government; but that steps had been taken to insure these insects being examined to discover whether it was the formidable insect to which reference had been made. I will take care to inform him of the result of these inquiries, and I hope it will turn out there is no truth in it.


hoped the Government would undertake that the next Order of the Day (the Indian Loans Bill) would not be proceeded with.


Certainly not.

Motion made, and Question proposed, "That this House will immediately resolve itself into the Committee of Supply."—(Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer.