MR. J. COWENgave Notice that on this day week he would ask the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, If the Government have received any information as to the manner in which 843 Russian subjects, on mere suspicion of political offences, are being driven by thousands into slavery in Siberia; if they have been informed that 700 persons, mostly men and women of education, have been packed in the hold of a small ship bound for Saghalien, without light or sufficient food or air, that 250 of them died on board, and 150 were landed in a dying state; further, whether it is true that large bodies of Cossacks are being forcibly ejected from their houses and homes, and compelled to settle in Colonies from the mouth of the Usuri river to Vladevostock, for the purpose of establishing a chain of military posts against the Chinese; and, whether, since remonstrances were addressed by Her Majesty's Government to the Government of Naples against the treatment of Poerio and his colleagues in 1855, and to Russia against her treatment of the Poles after the insurrection of 1861, to Turkey in 1876 against the action of Chefket Pasha and others in Bulgaria, these cases do not furnish, precedents for remonstrating with Russia against such treatment of alleged political offenders?