HC Deb 21 July 1879 vol 248 c845

asked, Whether at the beginning of June, and since the transfer of the province to the Turkish Government, the Russian military authorities in Eastern Roumelia have condemned some Mussulmans, subjects of the Sultan, to transportation to Siberia; whether General Stolepine has levied a fine of 35,000 piastres on the district of Kazan (Kotel), in the neighbourhood of Slivno, for having applied for the appointment of a Mussulman Bailli; whether the Russian authorities have hitherto declined to hand over to the authorities of Eastern Roumelia the district of Ichtiman; and, whether any remonstrances have been addressed by Her Majesty'a Government to the Imperial Government of Russia in respect of such violations of the Treaty of Berlin?


In regard to the first Question of my hon. Friend, what we have learned on that subject is this—that the Governor General of Eastern Roumelia has requested General Stolepine to send certain persons who had been tried at Philippopolis for punishment to Siberia; but we have not yet heard whether that request has been complied with. As to the second Question of my hon. Friend, we have heard that a fine of 35,000 piastres was levied by the Governor General, and that the Russian Government had disapproved of the conduct of the Governor General, and ordered that no fines should be levied in future. As to the third Question, that really involves a boundary dispute, which is now under the consideration of Boundary Commissioners; and as to the last part of the Question, the House, I think, will see that at the present moment we do not understand that there is any cause for remonstrance, and, therefore, none has been made.


The hon. Member has not stated whether the fine of 35,000 piastres has been restored?


No notification has been sent us on that point. Our Consul General, from whom we get the information, has not mentioned it.