HC Deb 14 July 1879 vol 248 c298

asked the Secretary of State for War, When it is probable that the long-promised Warrant for the reorganisation of the Commissariat Department will be published; whether, considering the great demands which the war in South Africa is making on the services of that department, he will consider the advisability of setting the officers at rest as to their future prospects as soon as possible; and, when he proposes to deal, in a similar manner, with the claims of the Ordnance Store Department?


, in reply, said, that the Warrant for the re-organization of the Commissariat Department was now on its way to the Treasury, and he hoped it would be shortly published. The position of the officers of the Ordnance Store Department as regarded pay, promotion, and retirement, would be on all fours with that of the officers of the Commissariat Department. There would be no unnecessary delay in the publication.