HC Deb 05 July 1879 vol 247 c1548

asked the Secretary of State for War, Whether the inquiry, which is reported in the papers to have taken place in Zululand, into the unfortunate occurrence which resulted in the death of the Prince Imperial, is an "official inquiry" or "court of inquiry;" what is the distinction or difference to be drawn between an official inquiry and a court of inquiry; and, whether the Government have received any information on the subject; and, whether it is the result of such official inquiry or court of inquiry that a court martial is now about to be held on Lieutenant Carey?


, in reply, said, he would answer the first part of the Question first, because he thought that that would dispose of the whole. The court martial appeared to have been ordered on Lieutenant Carey as the result, as far as he understood, of a Court of Inquiry which had been held locally; but the official inquiry which the right hon. Baronet referred to, or intended, probably, to refer to, was what he (Colonel Stanley) mentioned the other day, when he said directions had been sent out to make ample inquiry into the matter. Those instructions he did not think could possibly have reached the Colony at the time the order for the court martial was made; and, therefore, he thought the inquiry which had taken place was a local inquiry.