HC Deb 12 August 1879 vol 249 cc818-9

asked the Under Secretary of State for India, Whether he is aware that the ship "Vortigern" has been detained by the Resident of Aden, he admitting that he was not competent to take cognizance of the claims in support of which he has acted; that he has declined to release the ship until such time as the salvage and other claims are determined by the Admiralty Court in London; that he has been informed, in reply to telegrams to the Admiralty and Admiralty Registrar that there is no jurisdiction; that the claimants, although the injunction was issued in February last, have taken no steps to establish their claim in any of the Courts in the country that are open to them; that the parties interested in the vessel have offered to give bail for or deposit the whole amount of the money claimed; that the Resident refuses to release the vessel unless the money is paid to be distributed without adjudication; and, whether he can do anything to put an end to such conduct on the part of the Resident, and to protect the commerce of this Country passing to the East?


Yes, Sir; my attention has been repeatedly called to the case of the Vortigem. The Resident appears not to be acting under any Admiralty jurisdiction, to which he puts forward no claim; but we assume that he is acting judicially, and subject to an appeal to the judicial authorities in Bombay. In these circumstances, I must decline to express any opinion upon the case, especially as the Secretary of State might expose himself to legal proceedings if he were to interfere in the matter.