HC Deb 11 August 1879 vol 249 c719

, referring to the question he had brought before the House on the 27th of June, and the promises which had been given that a Select Committee should be appointed on the Irish Poor Law, wished to have a distinct assurance from the Government that next Session they would consent to the appointment of a Select Committee to inquire into the subject of the treatment of pauper children in the Irish workhouses. This was a most important subject, and one which was attracting a great deal of attention. There must be a reform of the Poor Law in Ireland, and it was not merely Members of Parliament who were arguing that such reform should take place, but Boards of Guardians in Ireland were themselves discussing the subject. It was, in fact, a question which would not brook delay; therefore, he hoped to receive a distinct assurance that the Government would give him their co-operation next Sesssion to obtain the fullest inquiry into the subject.