HC Deb 08 August 1879 vol 249 cc589-93

Bill considered in Committee.

(In the Committee.)

Preamble postponed.

Clause 1 (Short title).

MR. MONK moved, in page 2, line 11, after "works," to insert "indemnity," so as to make the clause road— This Act may be cited for all purposes as the Metropolitan Board of Works Indemnity Act, 1879.

Amendment agreed to.

Clause, as amended, agreed to.

Clause 2 (Provision for defraying expenses of Board in relation to Water Bills.)


in moving, in page 2, line 14, after "thereto," to insert "when the same have been duly audited and taxed," said: I think, perhaps, that if my hon. and gallant Friend the Chairman of the Metropolitan Board (Sir James M'Garel-Hogg) intends to move the Schedule to the Bill of which he has given Notice, we ought also to add the words "referred to in the Schedule annexed to the Bill."


I shall move it when we come to it.

Amendment agreed to.

On Motion of Mr. Monk, the words "referred to in the Schedule to this Act annexed" were also inserted.

MR. MONK moved, in page 2, line 14, after "as," to insert "if they were."

Amendment agreed to.

MR. MONK moved, in page 2, line 14, after "expenses," to insert "legally."

Amendment agreed to.

THE CHANCELLOR OF THE EXCHEQUER moved, in page 2, line 16, at end, to add, "such expenses being first duly audited."


That will be unnecessary now, in consequence of the adoption of one of my Amendments.

Amendment, by leave, withdrawn.

Clause, as amended, agreed to.

Clause 3 (Expenses of Act).


As my hon. and gallant Friend the Chairman of the Metropolitan Board agrees to the omission of this clause, it is unnecessary for me to move the Amendments which stand in my name.

Clause omitted.

SIR JAMES M'GAREL-HOGG moved the addition of the following Schedule to the Bill:— Details of Amounts paid or payable by the Board in the years 1878 and 1879 for expenses in relation to the Water Supply of the Metropolis.

Amount paid in the year 1878. (Disallowed by the Auditor.)
£ s. d. £ s. d.
Counsel 1,045 15 0
Engineers (re house fittings and as witnesses). 105 0 0
Chemists (analysis of water and as witnesses). 1,438 6 0
District surveyors (information as to levels of basements, &c.). 257 5 0
Parliamentary agents 1,378 3 7
Lithography, maps, plans, &c. 416 6 1
Shorthand notes 29 15 10
Wages and travelling expenses of assistants 827 14 10
Advertisements 1,105 11 10
Incidental expenses. 7 5 9
6,611 3 11
Amount paid or payable in the year 1879, Paid to 30th June 1879.
£ s. d. £ s. d.
Engineers (re new works and purchase of existing works and as witnesses). 6,320 7 8
Geologists (re geological formation of places from which samples of water were taken). 348 4 10
Chemists (analysis of water and as witnesses). 276 10 0
Surveyors (information as to levels of basements, &c.) 20 16 0
Travelling expenses of assistants 16 0 0
Advertisements 53 15 0
£7,035 13 6
Estimated amount to meet outstanding accounts and liabilities. 1,500 0 0
8,535 13 6
£15,146 17 5

Motion agreed, to.

Schedule added to the Bill.


THE CHANCELLOR OF THE EXCHEQUER moved, in page 1, line 1, to leave out from "works" to "pressure," inclusive, in line 6.

Amendment agreed to.

MR. MONK moved, in page 1, line 6, after "Parliament," to insert, "in excess of the powers conferred upon them by Parliament." He said: I move the Amendment which stands in my name, and I need scarcely say that in so doing I fully admit that the Board of Works—my hon. and gallant Friend the Chairman and his Colleagues—acted in good faith in the course which they took in promoting these Water Bills, and that in the belief that in promoting the said Bills they were acting within the powers conferred upon them. If my hon. and gallant Friend desires to have the words "in good faith" inserted in this part of the Preamble I see no objection; but I move the words which stand in my name.


Perhaps the Committee will be kind enough to adopt the Amendment in this form—"in good faith, but beyond the powers conferred upon them by Parliament." I think that would meet the case, and would be more agreeable to my Colleagues on the Board.

Amendment, so amended, agreed to.

THE CHANCELLOR OF THE EXCHEQUER moved in page 1, line 7, to leave out from "Parliament," to "supply," in line 9.

Amendment agreed to.

MR. MONK moved, in page 1, line 23, to leave out from "expenses" to "expenses," inclusive, in line 25, and insert, "which has been disallowed by the auditor."

Amendment agreed to.

THE CHANCELLOR OF THE EXCHEQUER moved, in page 1, line 28, to leave out from "were," to "Metropolis," in page 2, line 2, and insert, "acting within their legal powers."

Amendment agreed to.

Preamble, as amended, agreed to.

House returned.

Bill reported, as amended.


I do not know whether the House will allow the Bill to be read a third time now; but I appeal to the House to allow that to be done.


I suppose it may be done to-day, Sir; but I think it should be reported first, and thon, if there is no objection, my hon. and gallant Friend might take the third reading, perhaps, after the Report. But I think it would be a very unusual proceeding indeed to read the Bill a third time before the Amendments have been examined and considered upon Report.

Bill, as amended, to be considered To-morrow.