§ SELECT COMMITTEE—Report—Law of Libel [No. 343]; Co-operative Stores [No. 344].
§ WAYS AND MEANS—considered in Committee—£1,200,000, Exchequer Bonds, Exchequer Bills, or Treasury Bills.
§ NAVY AND ARMY EXPENDITURE, 1877–8—considered in Committee.
§ PUBLIC BILLS—Resolution in Committee—Endowed Schools Acts Continuance [Salaries]*.
§ Ordered—First Reading—Artizans' and Labourers' Dwellings Improvement Act (1875) Amendment* [287].
§ First Reading—Border Summons* [284].
§ Committee—Report—University Education (Ireland) (No. 2)* [250–283]; Shipping-Casualties Investigations Re-hearing [262]; Bills of Sale (Ireland)* [273].
§ Considered as amended—Public Health (Ireland) Act (1878) Amendment [128]; Registry Courts (Ireland) (Practice)* [259].
§ Third Reading—Public Offices (Fees)* [266], and passed.
§ Withdrawn—Judicial Factors (Scotland)* [257].