§ MR. GRANTasked the Secretary of State for War, Whether, in view of the difficulty experienced by many Officers of the Auxiliary Artillery engaged in business, and living at a distance from Woolwich, in Scotland and elsewhere, in giving an unbroken month to the first course of instruction at Woolwich, which is now insisted on, arrangements cannot be made for such Officers dividing the first month's course into two periods of a fortnight each, in the same manner as is already provided for Officers attending the second course?
§ COLONEL STANLEYSir, I think it requires some consideration and some examination of the subject before we say whether the same instruction could be given in two separate periods of a fortnight each, which can now be given in the period of one consecutive month. I, therefore, am not able to give a distinct opinion upon that point. As regards the inconvenience referred to in the first part of the Question, I would call attention to a reply I gave a month ago, in which I said that we were endeavouring to find some place in Scotland, or in the Northern part of England, at which to form a suitable school of instruction for Volunteer officers, whereby a good deal of trouble and expense may be spared them.