HC Deb 02 August 1879 vol 248 c1945

Will the Secretary to the Treasury be good enough, to produce the list of the expiring laws which he proposes to renew in the usual Expiring Laws Continuance Bill? Heretofore it has been the practice to keep the House in ignorance of the names of these Bills until the measure comes on for second reading, and that has been found to be a most objectionable course.


It will also be desirable to state if there is to be included in the Expiring Laws Continuance Bill any Irish Coercion Acts, or Peace Preservation Acts, or any measure having reference to corrupt practices at elections.


There will not be in the Bill which the Secretary to the Treasury proposes to move any reference to Bills of the nature described by the hon. Member for Dundalk.


I have sent over to the Office for a list of the Acts which it is proposed to renew, and later in the present Sitting I will show the hon. and gallant Member what that list includes. With respect to corrupt practices at elections, I shall not propose to renew any statutes bearing on that subject, the Government considering it to be more desirable to introduce a separate measure dealing with it.