HC Deb 07 April 1879 vol 245 c442

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department, Whether it is intended to carry out the sentence of death for murder, pronounced on Thomas Perryman last Wednesday night by Mr. Justice Stephen at the Central Criminal Court, the jury having appended to their verdict "that there was no evidence of premeditation or malice aforethought," and the judge not having told them that one or both of these was essential (as it is submitted) to constitute the crime of murder?


I have not yet had the advantage either of being able to read the Judge's notes or the observations which, I understand, he is about to send me on this case. Therefore, I hope the House will not expect me to answer the Question at the present moment. I may mention that I have a letter from the Judge stating that an erroneous impression in regard to the case appears to exist in the public mind. Although the jury at first used the words, "no evidence of premeditation or malice aforethought," nevertheless, on receiving an explanation of them, they struck them out.


said, he would repeat the Question on the first day after the re-assembling of Parliament.