HC Deb 30 May 1878 vol 240 c938

Great Britain:—

Royal Palaces 3,100
Marlborough House 500
Royal Parks and Pleasure Gardens 9,750
Houses of Parliament 2,700
Public Buildings 10,800
Furniture of Public Offices 1,250
Revenue Department Buildings 15,650
County Court Buildings 3,700
Metropolitan Police Courts 1,250
Sheriff Court Houses, Scotland 650
New Courts of Justice, &c. 10,000
Surveys of the United Kingdom 11,100
Science and Art Department Buildings 1,250
British Museum Buildings 400
Natural History Museum 6,650
Edinburgh University Buildings 1,650
Harbours, &c. under Board of Trade 1,250
Rates on Government Property (Great Britain and Ireland) (2 months' further Vote) 33,200


Lighthouses Abroad 1,000
Diplomatic and Consular Buildings 3,600