DR. CAMERONasked the Secretary of State for the Home Department, To state in what order he proposes to pro- 26 ceed with the various Scotch Bills at present before the House; and, whether it is intended to take up any of them before Whitsuntide?
§ THE CHANCELLOR OF THE EXCHEQUER, in reply, said, it was a matter of some difficulty to arrange when the Bills relating to Scotland could be brought forward; but his right hon. Friend (Mr. Assheton Cross) had sent him a note to the effect that he thought that the Roads and Bridges Bill might be taken at a Morning Sitting. The Government, however, could not make any positive promise on the subject. Due Notice would be given when the day was fixed. The Government would do their best to have the Bill brought on on Thursday. The Education Bill and the Endowed Schools Bill, having passed the House of Lords, were not so pressing. The Bills as to an Under Secretary of State for Scotland and the Lord Clerk Register, his right hon. Friend thought, might be taken on any convenient day that could be arranged.