§ SIR CHARLES W. DILKEasked the Postmaster General, with reference 1882 to the three principal clerks employed in the Money Order Office at salaries of £420 each, rising by annual increments of £20, Why £1,760 is taken in the Civil Service Estimates to meet the charge for those salaries; and, whether the scheme of re-organization proposed for the Money Order Office has received the sanction of the Treasury; and, if not, whether he intends to fill up the vacancies in that office, some of which have been open since 1874, and for filling which provision seems to have been made in the Civil Service Estimates for the current financial year?
§ LORD JOHN MANNERS, in reply, said, that the amount of the salaries of the three principal clerks referred to was £1,320, and not £1,760, as was, by a mistake, stated in the Civil Service Estimates. A part of the scheme of reorganization proposed for the Money Order Office had been sanctioned by the Treasury, but not the whole. He hoped before long it would be so, and then no time would be lost in raising the Establishment to its proper footing.