HC Deb 09 May 1878 vol 239 c1596

asked the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, What is the present condition of the investigation into the murder of Mr. Ogle, the "Times" correspondent in Thessaly, by Turkish soldiers?


In answer to the Question of the hon. Member, I have to state that Mr. Fawcett, Her Majesty's Consul General at Constantinople, and also Judge of the Supreme Court there, conducted the inquiry into the death of Mr. Ogle. On the 6th of May a telegram was received from Mr. Fawcett, stating that the inquiry had been concluded, and that he was about to return to Constantinople.


What I desire to be informed by the Under Secretary is, Whether Consul General Fawcett has reported the result of his inquiry on the murder of Mr. Ogle by Turkish soldiers; and, if so, when his Report will be laid on the Table of the House?


I said that Mr. Fawcett had conducted the investigation, which I thought was a distinct reply to the Question, and also that on the 6th of this month we received a telegram from Mr. Fawcett that he had completed the investigation. We have not received any Report from him; but when it is received, it will be taken into consideration by Her Majesty's Government. I must correct an observation that has fallen from the hon. Member. He seems to assume that Mr. Ogle's murder was occasioned by Turkish soldiers. That is one of the points Mr. Fawcett was to investigate; but I cannot express an opinion whether it was committed by Turkish soldiers or not.