HC Deb 06 May 1878 vol 239 c1452

said, that in consequence of the announcement made tonight, that there would be a Supplementary Estimate presented to the House for the expense of conveying the Indian troops to Europe, there appeared to be a desire on the part of several hon. Members, before the Budget Bill passed away from the House, to offer some observations upon it; and he, therefore, rose to ask the right hon. Gentleman the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Whether he would suspend proceeding in Committee of Supply in order to bring on the Customs and Inland Revenue Bill, at an hour which would give hon. Gentlemen an opportunity of making remarks upon it.


expressed his willingness to make an arrangement which might meet the wishes of the House. He would also like to have an opportunity of considering the point which had been raised by the hon. Member for Peterborough (Mr. Thomson Hankey); and, if he found anything in it which might render it necessary to give more time for the discussion of the Bill, perhaps it would be better to take the third reading on Thursday. However, for the present, he suggested that if, when the Bill was called on to-night, it was found that there was not time for a proper discussion, the third reading should stand adjourned to another day.

Question put, and agreed to.