MR. COLEasked the Secretary of State for the Home Department, Whether his attention has been called to the recent wholesale manufacture of faggot votes at Exeter by the creation of thirty-two freehold rent-charges in respect of one house there, as disclosed in the proceedings of the Revising Barristers' Court, published in the "Devon Evening Express" of October 4th, 5th, and 9th, 1877; and, whether he is prepared to advise the Government to take steps to prevent such an evasion of the Act 7 and 8 Will. 3, c. 25, s. 7, in future in such boroughs as possess the right for owners of 40s. freeholds residing within seven miles of the Parliamentary Borough to be placed on the list of Voters for the Members of Parliament for such borough?
MR. ASSHETON CROSS,in reply, said, his attention had only been called to the matter by the Question of the 1880 hon. Member. He had had no opportunity of inquiring into the facts. He was told that the votes in question were allowed by the Revising Barrister; and he therefore concluded that, according to law, the claims were legal. Personally, he objected to faggot votes; but he did not know that there was any pressing necessity for any alteration of the present law on the subject.
MR. COLEgave Notice that, in consequence of the unsatisfactory nature of the reply, he would take an early opportunity of calling attention to the subject and move a Resolution.