HC Deb 20 June 1878 vol 240 c1883

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department, Whether the money saved by the abolition of the sinecure salary of the Lord Clerk Register of Scotland, and which is derived from registration fees, will be devoted to cheapening registration in Scotland?


in reply, said, that the question as to how the registration ought to be cheapened was one which properly came before the Chancellor of the Exchequer. He might, however, remind the hon. Member that in 1874 no less a sum than £15,000 a-year was taken off these fees under a Treasury minute. With respect to this particular office of Lord Clerk Register, the money would, he had no doubt, be applied to the part payment of another officer who was to have charge practically of the Register Office.


begged to give Notice that he would resist any such arrangement, and move on the next stage of the Bill that it was an extreme injustice to Scotland to treat her in this matter differently from the other parts of the United Kingdom.