§ MR. W. E. FORSTERI also wish to ask the right hon. Gentleman a Question with respect to the Business of the House. Hon. Members will be separating to-morrow for the Whitsuntide holidays, and it would be a great convenience if we knew, What Business is intended to be taken on Thursday next week, when we re-assemble, and, if possible, on the following Monday?
§ THE CHANCELLOR OF THE EXCHEQUERSomething, of course, must depend on the progress which we may make in Supply to-night; but we propose to take Supply again on Thursday next when we re-assemble. We shall not then, however, take the Irish Education Votes. These are proposed to be considered on Monday, June 17th. We also propose, if we have not completed the Classes which are down for Supply to-night, to go on with them at a Morning Sitting to-morrow. The remaining Classes will be taken on Thursday. We are anxious to get the Valuation Bill read a second time; and we hope then to make arrangements for going on with the various Bills which are now in Committee at Morning Sittings on Tuesdays. We are like wise anxious to fix as early a day as possible for the Contagious Diseases (Animals) Bill; but I do not know at present whether it will be possible to take that measure as the first Order on the 20th instant. That will depend on the course of Business; but, if we cannot take the Bill on that date, due Notice will be given as to when it will be considered.