HC Deb 03 June 1878 vol 240 cc1082-3

asked Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Whether, considering the melancholy and unprecedented circumstances under which the House adjourned on Friday last, he will allow the Motion on Irish Education, which was then under discussion, to take precedence this evening on the question of going into Committee of Supply, which, he believed, the right hon. Gentleman again proposed to set up?


said, it did not, of course, lie with the Government to say what course hon. Gentlemen, who had given Notices of Motion on going into Committee of Supply, might consider it right to pursue; but if those hon. Members did not think it necessary to claim precedence, and would allow the debate of Friday evening to be resumed, that might, probably, he thought, be the best course for the convenience of the House. He might mention that while it had been intended to bring forward the Votes for the Queen's Colleges this evening, it was now proposed, in consequence of representations which had been received from several Irish Members, to put off those Votes until after Whitsuntide.