HC Deb 29 July 1878 vol 242 c524

asked the Secretary of State for War, Whether, in the probable event of the Reserve men being shortly sent to their homes, the Government, having in view such effect on the labour market, would consider the propriety of not dismissing them all suddenly or simultaneously?


, in reply, said, the difficulty referred to by the hon. Baronet had been very carefully considered by the War Department, and they had decided to discharge the men some time before the expiration of their engagements, so that their discharge would be spread over a period of something like a fortnight. Perhaps he might be allowed to add that, in consequence of communications which he had caused to be made to the Inspector General of Fortifications, instructions were given to ascertain if the Government contractors would find, as far as possible, work for the men on the operations in which they were engaged. In some cases this had been done, and notification had been given to the men that they might find employment.