§ MR. M'LARENasked the Lord Advocate, Whether his attention has been called to the report of the trial before Lord Craighill, contained in the "Scotsman" of the 24th of July, to the effect that—
Lord Craighill sat in vacation on Monday, to hear evidence in an action from Glasgow having reference to certain plumber work, which, it is alleged as the ground of the case, was improperly executed. When the hour for rising came, the hearing of the evidence was not completed. His Lordship thereupon stated that as no clerk had as yet been appointed to his Court, and as Mr. Bell, the assistant clerk, would be required to discharge his own duties in the Register House, he should adjourn the further hearing of evidence until the ensuing winter sessions;and, whether steps have been taken to fill up the vacant clerkship; and, if not, whether he will state the reasons why this has not been done, and what other means are to be taken to facilitate the due administration of justice, and to prevent the additional expenditure to litigants which such postponements unavoidably occasion?
THE LORD ADVOCATESir, the same Question, practically, was asked yesterday by the hon. Member for Kirkcaldy (Sir George Campbell), who 387 gave me private Notice of it. I regret that the business of the Court referred to should have suffered, and that some steps have not been taken before to provide Lord Craighill with an interim clerk; but I can inform the hon. Member that steps will now be taken to supply the present deficiency.