HC Deb 11 July 1878 vol 241 c1245

As my noble Friend (the Marquess of Hartington) will not be here this evening, I wish to ask the Home Secretary the Question standing in his name. I see he has put it down "to ask the Home Secretary," not expecting that we should have the pleasure of seeing the Chancellor of the Exchequer here so soon. I, in common with the rest of the House, am very glad to see the right hon. Gentleman in his place. I beg to ask, Whether Her Majesty's Government can state when it is probable that any Papers relating to the proceedings of the Congress of Berlin will be presented to Parliament; and, further, whether the Government will be soon in a position to furnish a map showing the new boundaries of States as settled by the Congress?


In reply to the Question of the right hon. Gentleman, I beg to say that Papers in reference to the proceedings of the Congress are in course of preparation, not only at the Foreign Office, but also at Berlin, in order that there may be no unnecessary delay in laying them before the House when the Congress has concluded its labours. In regard to the last Question, I have heard from my noble Friend (the Marquess of Salisbury) this morning, to the effect that he had already sent over a map, showing what the Congress had done, at all events, as far as Europe was concerned. I have given instructions, according to his wish, that two large copies shall be placed in the Library of both Houses, and that there shall be smaller copies made, and distributed in the usual way among the Members. I do not think they will arrive before Saturday; but no time will be lost in laying them before Parliament.