HC Deb 04 July 1878 vol 241 c758

asked the Secretary of State for War, If he can give the number of English, Irish, and Scotch Officers respectively in Her Majesty's Service holding at present the appointment of Adjutant in a Yeomanry Regiment or Volunteer Corps, and the proportion of Irish Officers in Cavalry and Infantry of the Line to that of other Nationalities; and, if he will explain why by the last official Army List forty-four Adjutancies of Volunteer Corps are at present held by Officers whose regiments are in a different sub-district, thereby disregarding the third consideration mentioned in the reply of the 27th ultimo as determining such appointments?


Sir, I have not been able, although I have made inquiries, to ascertain the numbers requested in the first part of the Question. If the hon. and gallant Gentleman will move for the Return—I doubt whether it will be worth while finding—I shall be happy to produce it. With regard to the second part of the Question, it will be necessary to follow up the personal and military history of all the officers who are referred to. I am not able at the present time to give, the information; but if the hon. and gallant Gentleman will repeat the Question when I have obtained the information, I shall be happy to give it.