HC Deb 30 January 1878 vol 237 c657

gave Notice that tomorrow, on the Motion for the Vote of Credit, he should move as an Amendment the following Resolution:— That this House, while giving Her Majesty's Government due credit for having hitherto maintained the policy determined upon after the solemn assurances given on his sacred word of honour by His Imperial Majesty the Czar, published in the London Gazette by his own request, on the 21st November, 1876, that he desired only the safety of the Christians and aimed at no aggrandizement whatever, is of opinion that those assurances are being deliberately evaded by the proposed terms of peace and the advance of the Russian army, and believes that the time has now arrived when immediate action on the part of Great Britain is an absolute necessity. And the House requests Her Majesty's Government to lay upon the Table forthwith the estimates for placing the Navy and Army on a war footing.