§ MR. WHITWELLasked the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Whether the European Commission, constituted under Article 18 of the Berlin Treaty to perform certain duties in East Roumelia in three months, will, notwithstanding that limit of time, have to be prolonged, inasmuch as the Porte is bound under the 23rd Article of the Treaty to consult that Commission upon all schemes of organization which are promised to be made for Crete and various other parts of Turkey in Europe?
§ MR. BOURKE,in reply, said, that the hon. Member had not quite correctly interpreted the Treaty, particularly with regard to the paragraph which he (Mr. Bourke) had already read to the House with respect to Crete. He thought that paragraph was complete in itself, and the Commission established with respect to Eastern Roumelia had nothing to do with that paragraph. With regard to the other paragraph, which applied to the other Provinces of Turkey where reforms had not been introduced, schemes of organization and reform were to be introduced under the authority of Special Commissions, which would afterwards have to report to the European Commission. It was quite true that if these Special Commissions were not in a position to report to the European Commission at the end of three months, it would be for the Powers to consider whether it was necessary to prolong that Commission.