HC Deb 14 August 1878 vol 242 c1947

I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs a Question which may be thought out of date after the debate which we had last night; but, as it refers to an event which may mark a new era in the history of Central Asia, I desire to put it. The Question is, Whether the Government have reason to believe that arrangements have been concluded between the Emperor of Russia and the Ameer of Affghanistan for the location of a resident Russian Minister, or Political Agent of high rank, at Câbul? In answering this Question, I trust that the Under Secretary will give to the House whatever authentic information he may possess on the subject up to the present moment.


Sir, I am afraid that I cannot give the House any further information upon the subject than I gave last night. I then stated that Her Majesty's Government were aware that a Russian Minister had arrived at Cabul; but that they did not know what negotiations had taken place between Russia and the Ameer, which had led to that Minister being sent there, and that we had not been informed of the nature of any negotiations which might still be going on between them.