HC Deb 08 April 1878 vol 239 c856

asked Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Whether he has any objection to state what precise amount of the National Debt Charge of £28,000,000 will, in the year 1878–9, be actually required for the payment of interest on the National Debt, and what portion will be, in fact, applicable to the extinguishment of Debt by the operation either of the Terminable Annuity Scheme or of the new Sinking Fund?


Sir, it would require an actuarial calculation, which I have not had time to make, in order to answer in a precise form the Question of my hon. and learned Friend. But I may state, in general terms, that probably about £23,000,000 out of the £28,000,000 will be required for the payment of interest and management of the Debt, and that about £5,000,000 would be applicable to the redemption of the Debt, either by the operation of the Terminable Annuity Scheme or of the new Sinking Fund.