HC Deb 10 May 1877 vol 234 c616

asked the President of the Local Government Board, Whether the Government intend to take any steps during the present Session to carry out the recommendations of the Committee on Road Locomotives in 1873, to which reference has also been made in the evidence given before the Committee on Tramways in the present Session?


in reply, said, the Government had intended to deal with some part of the recommendations of the Select Committee of 1863, and he had caused a draft Bill to be prepared consolidating and amending the two Statutes, one of which was an expiring law, regulating the use of locomotives on roads. The intention had been that the Bill should follow the Highways Bill; but the state of the Government business at present was not such as would justify him in bringing forward that measure. There would have been no allusion in the Bill to the subject-matter of the inquiry recently undertaken by the Select Committee to which the hon. Member referred; but in the preparation of any future legislation their recommendations would have to be considered.