HC Deb 22 March 1877 vol 233 c327

asked the President of the Local Government Board, If he can state whether the vaccine lymph now in use is obtained from the original source suggested by Dr. Jenner, or is artificially produced by inoculating the animal with the small-pox virus; and, what securities are taken, by microscopical examination or otherwise, to ascertain the perfect condition of the lymph now distributed by the National Vaccine Establishment in connection with the Local Government Board?


So far as is known, none of the lymph at present in use is of artificial production, the lymph distributed being either from Jenner's source or from sources of the natural disease in the cow which have since been met with. The securities for the perfect condition of the lymph are—first, the careful choice of the vaccinators by whom it is collected; second, the inspection to which they and their stations are subjected; and, thirdly, the independent microscopical examination, without which no tube of lymph is ever sent out.