§ MR. SERJEANT SIMONasked the Under Secretary of State for Foreign 200 Affairs, Whether he will state what information, if any, has been received at the Foreign Office respecting the recent expulsion of Jews from the interior of Servia; whether he will lay the Papers before the House; and, whether Her Majesty's Government have caused representations to be made, in order to induce the Servian Government and the Government of Roumania respectively to make compensation to the sufferers for the loss of their property and other injuries arising out of the recent expulsions in both those countries?
§ MR. BOURKEWe have no information as to the expulsion of Jews from the interior of Servia. With regard to compensation to Jews who have been expelled from their homes in Roumania, we have received no information; but from the representations which I mentioned yesterday were made by Her Majesty's Government, and also by the Government of Austria, the question of compensation will most likely be raised. Not having heard anything about the expulsion of Jews from Servia, I can give my hon. and learned Friend no information with regard to the compensation to them.