HC Deb 15 March 1877 vol 232 c2023

Motion made, and Question proposed, That there be laid before this House, a Return of the number of Applications for total or partial Remissions of Criminal Punishments awarded in Ireland during the years 1874, 1875, and 1876; stating in each case by whom the application was made, and whether it was wholly or partially acceded to, or whether it was refused."—(Captain Nolan.)


declined to accede to the Return. There had been 3,200 memorials of this kind in the past year. Each would probably have attached to it a number of signatures, and without looking at any other fact such a Return would be most voluminous and expensive, and when obtained it would be useless.


cordially supported the Motion for the Return. The magistracy being, in most cases, alien in race and religion to the people, it was desirable that there should be perfect openness as to the influences bearing on the administration of justice, in order that all grounds for distrust should disappear. The production of the Return would discourage the belief in what was popularly known as backstairs influence in Ireland—a belief which led people to think that the law could be overridden by private intervention. As to the question of cost, it was not asked that it should be printed. The mere production of it would deter men from attempting to bring undue influence to bear on the authorities.

Question put.

The House divided:—Ayes 18; Noes 79: Majority 61.—(Div. List, No. 38.)