HC Deb 05 March 1877 vol 232 c1360

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland, Whether his attention has been called to the frequent inundations caused by the overflow of the River Bann, below Lough Neagh, and especially the great injury done to property there by the floods of the past winter; and, whether it is the intention of Her Majesty's Government to take any steps or propose any measures to prevent the recurrence of this mischief?


Sir, the attention of the Government was called to this subject in February by two memorials which they received from a public meeting at Portadown, and from the Guardians of the Ballymoney Union, and which are now under consideration. But I am bound to say that this last winter has, in the North of Ireland, as elsewhere, been perfectly exceptional with respect to the floods; and there are important interests in connection with navigation and fishery connected with the lower Bann which will, I fear, make it extremely difficult for Her Majesty's Government to take any such measures as the right hon. and learned Gentleman would suggest to prevent a recurrence of the evil.