HC Deb 25 June 1877 vol 235 c191

asked the Chairman of the Metropolitan Board of Works, Whether, as the Metropolitan Board of Works have determined to abandon their Bill for the Prevention of Floods, any, and if any, what steps will be taken by the Board to render London secure from floods during the ensuing winter?


Sir, in answer to the Question of my hon. Friend, I beg to inform him that the Metropolitan Board of Works has no power to execute any works for rendering London secure from floods. It will rest with the local authorities to exercise the power which they possess under the Metropolis Local Management Acts and to give effect to the judgment of the High Court of Justice on the 12th inst., which has decided that the protection of the districts from the influence of the river is in the exclusive control of the Vestries and District Boards. I need hardly add that the Metropolitan Board will be always ready to assist with their advice any of the local authorities who may be desirous of availing themselves of the information collected by the Board in relation to this important subject.