HC Deb 18 June 1877 vol 234 c1939

asked the First Commissioner of Works, Whether, now that Richmond is brought within the direct service of the Metropolitan Railways, he will consider the expediency of abolishing the rabbits, which make the Park utterly unsafe for riders, and of opening some footpaths through the copses, like those in the Bois de Boulogne?


Sir, I should be extremely sorry to see the rabbits in Richmond Park abolished. I think they afford much amusement and enjoyment to the public who go for what is called an "outing" to the Park, and who have not the same opportunity as the hon. Member for Kirkcaldy has for seeing game. I cannot agree with the hon. Gentleman that the Park is unsafe to ride in. Great care is taken by the keepers to ferret out the rabbits and stop up the holes in the open spaces, so that there may be no danger to persons on horseback. With regard to opening footpaths in the copses, I fear that would be impossible. They are planted to beautify the Park and to replace trees which in the course of time perish. If paths were cut through the plantations great expense would be incurred from the amount of fencing which would be required to keep out the deer, and after the lessons on economy I have this year experienced from hon. Gentlemen opposite I hardly like to embark in fresh expenditure on the Parks.