HC Deb 05 June 1877 vol 234 c1299

asked the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, with reference to the Reports of Her Majesty's Secretaries of Embassy and Legation on the Manufactures, Commerce, &c. of the Countries in which they reside (Part IV. Session 1876), How a Report from Mr. Hill, dated "Munich, August 23, 1876," and a paper from Mr. Walter Baring, dated "Therapia, Sept. 9, 1876," came to be included among, the Reports presented by Command to Parliament on the 9th day of August, 1876; and, whether he considers that the publisher of papers thus inserted among papers presented to Parliament would in case of need be entitled to the benefit of the provisions of the Act 3 and 4 Vic. c. 9, for the protection of persons concerned in the publication of papers by or under the authority of either House of Parliament?


It has been the custom, upon grounds of public convenience, to include in the last series of Commercial Reports presented to Parliament each Session any Reports that may be received after Parliament has risen, and which have arrived in time to he printed. The Reports referred to were distributed on the 28th of November last. If they had been kept back till Parliament met, they could not have been made public until the middle of February. As to the second Question, which is altogether hypothetical, and of entirely a legal character, I do not think that it is expedient to give any definite reply, particularly as I have no reason to suppose that the question is likely to arise in a practical shape; but attention having now been called to the matter, the consideration of the Law Officers of the Crown will be directed to the question, and the right hon. Gentleman's object in putting the Question will thus no doubt be attained.