MR. WHALLETasked Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Whether any special Vote will be asked to defray the expenses incident to the equipment and despatch of ships and troops to the East in consequence of the war now pending; whether on that or some other occasion he will give some further explanation before the close of the Session as to the views and intentions of Her Majesty's Government in relation thereto; and, whether, having regard to the complaints in official journals of Russia that Her Majesty's Government should furnish to the House Returns of outrages by Russian troops, he will be good enough to state the nature of any British interest that has called for such publication?
§ THE CHANCELLOR OF THE EXCHEQUERIn reply to the Question of the hon. Member, I beg to say that it will not be necessary to submit any special Vote to defray the expenses incidental to the recent despatch of troops to Malta, or of the ships that have been sent to strengthen the Mediterranean Squadron. The expenses are very small, and it is probably very doubtful whether it will be necessary in the course of the present year to ask for any further sum—certainly at present it would not be necessary to do so. With regard to making any explanation or statement as to the views and intentions of Her Majesty's Government before the close of the Session, I am not aware that there is any occasion to do so. Of course, if Her Majesty's Government are questioned on the subject, or if any wish is ex- 222 pressed, we shall be ready to give such explanations as the House may think necessary. In regard to the last part of the Question, I do not think it will be convenient to enter here into controversies as to what has been said in the official journals of Russia.