CAPTAIN PRICEasked the Secretary to the Admiralty, Why the fleetmen of the Coast Guard, who have re-engaged for ten years' continuous service, are not entitled to the two pence a-day extra pay now offered to seamen of the fleet who may so re-engage?
§ MR. A. F. EGERTONThe main object of granting the additional pay of 2d. a-day is to induce men of 10 years' service in the Fleet to re-engage, and thus to secure a sufficient number of men well qualified as petty officers to continue serving in sea-going ships. But when men once enter the Coastguard, though very valuable as a Re-serve, they have very little to do with the Service afloat, and are only embarked for a month every second year. The duties they perform in the Coastguard are very different from and not nearly of such an arduous character as those performed by seamen and petty officers serving in the Fleet. It has therefore not been considered desirable to give to the men in the Coastguard the additional 2d. per day.