HC Deb 30 July 1877 vol 236 c163

asked the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Whether he will state to the House what official accounts, if any, have been received at the Foreign Office respecting the outrages recently committed by the Roumanians upon the Jews in Darabina and Jassy?


Sir, according to the accounts which we have received from our Consular authorities, on the evening of the 5th of June a band of about 200 persons paraded the town of Jassy and broke the windows of from 200 to 300 Jewish houses, and severely beat about 20 Jews whom they found in the street; and in one street 10 houses belonging to Jews were destroyed by fire, said to be caused by an incendiary. Several persons were under arrest for this and other outrages. At Darabina, on the 8th of June, a lady, a Roumanian by birth, instigated the peasantry to attack the Jews, of whom we hear three were killed and many seriously injured; and all their shops were sacked. The lady and her husband, who is a Greek, have been subsequently arrested.