§ NEW WRIT ISSUED—For Clare, v. the Eight Honble. Sir Colman Michael O'Loghlen, baronet, deceased.
§ PUBLIC BILLS—Second Reading—Board of Education (Scotland) Continuance * [229]; Metropolitan Board of Works (Money) * [252]; Crown. Office* [241]; Trade Marks* [242]; Municipal Corporations (New Charters) * [244]; Treasury Chest Fund* [253]; Super- 83 annuation (Mercantile Marine Fund Officers) * [224]; Bar Education and Discipline * [221]; Local Government Board's Provisional Orders Confirmation (Atherton, &c.) * [255]— (Caistor Union, &c.) * [266].
§ Select Committee—Parliamentary and Municipal Registration [59], nominated.
§ Committee—Sheriff Courts (Scotland) [209]—R. P.
§ Committee—Report—East India Loan [215]; Contingent Remainders* [152]; Exoneration of Charges* [151].
§ The House met at Twelve of the clock.